

Virus attack on a Bacterial Colony:
Transition from Death to Persistent Survival

講師:御手洗 菜美子 氏
コペンハーゲン大学 ニールスボーア研究所
場所:W1 - B212号室
(九州大学 伊都キャンパス ウエスト1号館)
要旨:  Bacteria are repeatedly exposed to an excess of phages, and carry evidence of this in terms of multiple defense mechanisms encoded in their genome. In addition to molecular mechanisms, bacteria may exploit the defense of spatial refuges. Here we demonstrate how bacteria can limit the impact of a virulent phage attack by growing as a colony which only exposes its surface to phages. We identify a critical size of the initial colony, below which the phages entirely eliminates the colony, and above which the colony continues to grow despite the presence of phages. Our study suggests that coexistence of phages and bacteria is strongly influenced by the spatial composition of microcolonies of susceptible bacteria.
Rasmus Skytte Eriksen, Sine Lo Svenningsen, Kim Sneppen, and Namiko Mitarai,
“A Growing Microcolony can Survive and Support Persistent Propagation of Virulent Phages”
Preprint: bioRxiv 149062 (2017) (doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/149062).
連絡先: 物理学部門 中西 (ex.4067)